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John Stamos + Nikki Reed


John Stamos decided to surprise JCPenney shoppers by dressing up in a disguise and paying for their holiday purchases. After recording and posting his #PoweredByJCP #JustGotJingled act of kindness, the videoreceived 250,000 video views on Facebook alone and 65,593 likes, shares, and comments across social media. 



Nikki Reed followed suit, posting photos and a video of her buying lunch for someone who was in need. Her posts received over 55,000 video views and over 122,000 social media engagements.


In the Press

The internet started buzzing with #JustGotJingled and wouldn't stop! The

stories of these random acts of kindess

got picked up by People Magazine, ET Canada, E! News, ABC News, and many more. Through these platforms, WhoSay generated over 75 million press impressions.

WhoSay for JCP

WhoSay teamed up with JCPenney to promote their holiday #JustGotJingled campaign with the help of 3 super social WhoSay celebs and many more! All 3 celebs shared JCPenney's emotional #JustGotJingled video, which reached over 2.2 million YouTube views. Additionally, each talent shared their own #JustGotJingled photos and videos with millions of fans across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and mainstream media. 

JCPenney Case Study

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