Publisher Rep Firm
What is WhoSay?
a connected community of 2,000 celebrities who use the WhoSay Talent App every day
a brand-safe, premium publishing platform for professional storytellers to tell stories with brands that boasts distribution scale to over a billion fans on social media and mainstream sites
a celebrity magazine experience created by the celebrities themselves-unfiltered social content direct from celebrities and influencers that is cotextualized with original articles.
Advertising with WhoSay:
Ad products include photo galleries, story telling campaigns, video-driven campaigns, and/or message center sponsorship. With WhoSay, your brand will receive:
access to 2000+ of the biggest influencers in entertainment and sports
guaranteed impressions for every content campaign
CPM pricing for every campaign that includes all talent costs
hyper-target 400 million entertainment super fans using WhoSay first party data
content syndicates to all social platforms and to People.com, Huffington Post, Flipboard
one stop – a single WhoSay IO for the whole deal including talent activation
Click here to see our JCPenney WhoSay case study.